The rewards of nursing include being in an energetic environment while working and meeting fascinating coworkers and patients. More than being well-paid professionals, nurses are given the knowledge to care for others. As part of their education, they learn about how the human body works and how to achieve maximum health.
Student nurses should also adopt a healthy diet as part of achieving the above aim of good health. The job itself is quite demanding. For one, nurses are on their feet all day long. They work some of the most grueling, inconsistent shifts that interfere with the body’s sleep cycle.
They must be able to lift patients without further injuring them. More significantly, they must often stay much longer than their scheduled shift to fill out administrative paperwork, which can make for a very long, exhausting day.
Nursing students face similar challenges, especially if they are in the middle of their practicums where they are working in the healthcare setting. Earning an MSN-FNP online degree from institutions such as the University of Indianapolis requires commitment to the arduous program. Not only do students face getting experiential learning from their clinicals, but they must also study long hours. If they must work outside of school, then this can add to the stress of being a student nurse.
The conditions that create poor eating habits
Often, nurses walk into the lounge to find donuts, muffins and other comfort foods waiting for them to consume. At lunch, it is easy to swing by the local fast-food restaurant or the hospital cafeteria. When the shift is over, the health professional is exhausted and hardly thinks of the nutritional content of supper. The nurse just wants to eat, shower and sleep.
The conditions under which student nurses study toward earning a degree make them susceptible to similar poor eating habits. Late-night studying for exams, completing coursework, or working in the hospital as part of their clinicals takes up an inordinate amount of time. It is easier to go for comfort food instead of taking the time to eat food that is going to have a positive impact on one’s health.
Why should student nurses pay attention to diet?
Healthy eating supports disease prevention, even for professionals who deliver care to others. Sugary foods that initially give the person a kick typically send the person into a slump after the effect of the sugar wears off. Foods that are laden with fat and cholesterol can also contribute to weight gain, which interferes with the body’s ability to reach its full potential where productivity is concerned.
An irony exists in nursing that they administer care to others, but in doing so, they often forget to take care of themselves. By adopting a healthy diet, student nurses put into practice the principles of nutrition they learn. Ultimately, adopting good eating habits is one way to model optimal health to patients and develop lifelong eating patterns.